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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

KeyTango- The easiest way to get started with DeFi

I bitcampaign, today I will discuss a project called keyTango, below I will give some more detailed explanations of the keyTango project

What is KeyTango ?

keyTango is a Web3 application made for those who are struggling with complex UI/UX that looks straight out of the Bloomberg terminal, which acts as a frictionless gateway to popular DeFi products and services ready to be unraveled within a couple of clicks. Unlike YFI which takes some familiarity with deep DeFi as granted, we offer easy to grasp and navigate UI/UX, that empowers you with tailored content and suggestions based on your level of experience and your blockchain history.

The power of DeFi

Simply put, DeFi is an extension of Andreessen’s ‘software eating the world’.

In this case, the ‘digitisation’ and ‘decentralisation’ of commerce: both in a capital markets context & commerce of all types, including its subsets like ecommerce.

The last decade 2010 to 2020 has created a software layer for the internet capable of creating (minting), storing, moving around, lending & borrowing, digitally scarce, programmable value with minimal intermediation. Centralised exchanges and wallets (aka CeFi) being the minimal mediation layer which improves accessibility and abstracts technically complex administration and custody, but most importantly acts as a gateway (for distribution) for new demand to enter the system.

Unlike the current financial system; DeFi is a bottom-up, open-source, permissionless, environment based on ‘hyper-competition’ which seeks equilibrium between Yield vs Efficiency. At face value that might look like a paradox, and has been called ‘The DeFi Paradox’. However, I propose this is only true if the ecosystem is not fundamentally growing: bringing in either more collateral (supply) but also more liquidity (demand) and closing the loop.

When both of those things happen it kicks starts a ‘hype cycle’ (proper) as we saw with ICOs in 2017. If we reflect back on that period it is well understood it was as a consequence of the combined innovation triggers of:

The ERC20 crowdfunding mechanism (Supply) + CEX centralised crypto exchanges (Demand).

Now it’s worth stating upfront people like to put CeFi like CEXs (the minimum mediation layer described above) at odds with DeFi. But in fact, they are synergistic if we are to grow the capital and usage of the system: in that DeFi needs CeFi and CeFi needs DeFi and each should be considered one part of the same thing. The only distinction being CeFi is how DeFi interfaces with the existing financial system as it is and associated regulators. It’s where most new demand enters from and where users happily pay a fee for bundling of services and legal accountability should something go wrong. This last point is incredibly important to the majority of people.

Anatomy of a Hype Cycle vs a Broken Cycle

Firstly, it’s worth stating many people assume ‘hype cycles’ are a net bad thing but historically they are when an open capital market forms around an innovation it tries to price, which in the end it always overvalues. Eventually resulting in a sharp correction, which in turn kills hype.

As an open permissionless capital market, this seems to be an intrinsic part of innovation in crypto. It’s how innovation in the space gets financed; albeit in a seemingly capital inefficient way, but it works, or at the least, it’s the best we’ve got.

The Broken DeFi Hypecycle Outlier Ventures

Often hype cycles are more generally, historically triggered by combinations of innovations as described above; some old, some new, but often put together in a new and timely way.

During the first half of this year, everybody (including me) believed that there would be a major DeFi hype cycle and bull run in 2020 but it somehow stalled; what should be regarded as a ‘broken cycle’. It took me a while to connect the dots but if you follow the logic laid out above in retrospect it’s easy to see why and hypothesise what would be required for a DeFi hype cycle ‘proper’.

So how did it start and why was it incomplete?

Innovations: Stablecoins (Supply) + Yield-Generating Protocols (Supply)

Innovations in yield-generating protocols that were ‘farmed’, such as lending, fees, liquidity mining triggered a short period of crazy gains for a small subset of crypto. However, only roughly less than 5% of tokens were staked and they were owned by an even smaller subset of the global crypto population for reasons we will unpack later. So in effect not only was it self-sustained within crypto itself but by a very small subset of it.

In summary, it effectively created a new form of supply, without the new demand required to sustain it. And because it wasn’t linked to any sustainable income of any sort instead it just created artificial recycling of gains. Without any new liquidity entering the system this aggressive form of user acquisition (when thought of in a marketing context) turned out to be a protracted ‘game of chicken’ based on what was typically over-leveraged trading positions based on assumptions about yield, that at a systematic level was ultimately unsustainable. Because most importantly it did not achieve the levels of hype to cross over into the mainstream and bring in new demand from new participants to trigger a wider and sustained bull run.

The Broken DeFi Hypecycle Outlier Ventures

What’s required for a DeFi Hype Cycle Proper? What worked?

Whilst broken, or at least incomplete, the last cycle did reveal the power of a new supply-side innovation – DeFi is essentially building a new financial system from the ground up. Decentralised automated market makers (AMMs) and liquidity pools provide an alternative to professional market makers, order books and clearing facilities. Flash loans offer unprecedented arbitrage and trading capabilities.

This means debt and leverage are traded freely, in a permissionless environment, putting capital to work in incredible ways. And on top of it all experiments in governance and new forms of coordination mechanisms for its participants, what you would unavoidably call, ‘digital equity’:

A digital right to Interest (Yield) + Governance*

…and demonstrated in this particular application; the ability to quickly bootstrap the liquidity of a network for borrowing and lending.

*Now it is worth saying at this point if this sounds a lot like classic equity it’s because it is. And its long-term success is dependent on its ‘net market outcome’, once regulators finally catch up (which if ICOs are anything to go on will be a 2-3 year window).

By ‘net market outcome’ — I mean the degree to which its ‘hyper-competition’ has become unavoidably successful in bringing about efficiency and competition for consumers vs any malpractice when compared to the current financial system. If it fails to properly to go mainstream and makes a significant positive impact for the consumer, today’s ‘DeFi premium’ will become a ‘DeFi discount’ as regulators begin to enforce action. At least to the extent they can. Leading to a clumsy cat and mouse game between regulators and the market which will both momentarily constrain the hype cycle and then amplify it when its unstoppable nature is reinforced: hence the prediction for a series of mini-cycles aggregating up.

Some will argue regulators will never allow digital equity to be sold or used by retail, but the precedents of Bitcoin and Ethereum have shown innovations in this permissionless environment if properly designed and executed, with appropriate levels of censorship resistance and decentralisation, can eventually be acceptable or unstoppable by the time regulators catch up.

Because of its composability and it’s open-source nature, DeFi protocols can easily be replaced or forked, and increasingly its smarter founders are sufficiently distanced or removed from day to day governance. Some choosing (and sadly some abusing) anonymity.

When Programmable Privacy solutions such as The Secret Network begin to be layered on top of DeFi, both the community members who build and govern the protocol, but also the applications built on the protocol itself can choose the degree of anonymity they want allowing for greater participation, innovation and decentralization.

Furthermore, well-distributed governance rights-bearing instruments ironically could make it harder for regulators to argue a network isn’t sufficiently decentralised.

Its limitations

But now if we go back to the reasons for DeFi 1.0’s limitations: This series of supply-side innovations when combined with stablecoins also arguably failed to cross over because of maturity and ‘protocol fit’ constraints:

Ethereum Fees + Complexity (Tech + Risk*)

*This last point is because of the complexity of the DeFi stack’s composability, something well articulated here as by Key Tango’s Dan Danay.

What’s missing DeFi + NFTs?

In the following series, I will argue there are both several Supply and Demand Side (near to midterm) innovations coming to market that remove many of these technical or economic constraints (fully or partially) and when they do it promises to take the handbrake off in DeFi and allow a series of, likely mini, hype cycles that could well aggregate into a meta cycle and subsequently a major 12 to 18-month bull run.

Perhaps the most immediate being NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) as a mechanism to reward loyalty and discourage highly promiscuous and unsustainable yield hunting leading, with its race to the bottom economics and ‘vampire attacks’ , where DeFi protocols are aggressively forked, new short term incentives added and liquidity quickly lost.

Importantly these hype cycles, unlike the first broken one, should successfully bring in two new types of demand from distinct types of participants: broken down into two separate articles as Retail (2/3) & Institutional (3/3) and with them respective liquidity, each with their own prerequisites that first must be met.

This article was first published at Outlier Venture’s Blog.

Decentralized finance, also known as DeFi, is a fast-growing sector of the cryptocurrency industry. While cryptocurrency coins create a decentralized store of value separate from any government-backed fiat currency, DeFi creates decentralized financial instruments separate from traditional centralized institutions.

That's enough of my writing this time about the KeyTango project. I hope this is useful for those of you who want to know about this project, for more detailed information about the KeyTango project, you can visit the link below





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Bitcointalk username: bitcampaign

Bitcointalk Profile:;u=905392

ETH Address: 0x2eFA5E262f957ecAF1a4Ec8bb12E8AE91F93aEca

Sunday, November 10, 2019


Saya Bitcampaign, hari ini saya akan membahas sebuah proyek crypto yang bernama DACX , dibawah ini saya akan memberikan beberapa penjelasan lebih detail dari proyek DACX

Pasar keuangan adalah pasar di mana orang mempercayai sekuritas dan keuangan dengan biaya transaksi rendah dan dengan harga yang mengubah penawaran dan permintaan.

Mata uang digital atau mata uang elektronik adalah jenis mata uang yang hanya tersedia dalam bentuk digital, tanpa kebutuhan fisik seperti uang kertas dan koin. Ini menunjukkan properti yang mirip dengan mata uang fisik, tetapi memungkinkan untuk transaksi instan dan transfer kepemilikan tanpa batas. Contohnya termasuk mata uang virtual dan cryptocurrency atau bahkan bank sentral yang mengeluarkan uang berbasis digital. Seperti uang tradisional, mata uang ini dapat digunakan untuk membeli barang dan jasa fisik, tetapi juga dapat terbatas pada komunitas tertentu seperti untuk digunakan dalam permainan online atau jejaring sosial.

Apa itu DACK?

DACX adalah platform ekonomi yang dirancang untuk menjembatani apa yang dirancang antara pasar keuangan lama dan ekosistem aset digital yang muncul. DACX menambah kepercayaan diri dalam mendukung aset digital terfragmentasi baru dengan secara cepat dan transparan mencocokkan transaksi kompleks dengan pesanan dan mengurangi ketidakefisienan pasar. DACX membangun alat manajemen aset digital dan mengembangkan antarmuka yang memungkinkan pelanggan mendapatkan manfaat penuh dari ekonomi cerdas di seluruh dunia.

Untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut, kami memiliki visi untuk menjadi jembatan antara pasar keuangan lama dan ekonomi digital yang baru muncul. Dan juga misi yang ingin dicapai dalam proyek kami adalah menjadi penyedia mata uang digital dan otoritas regional tepercaya pada teknologi blockchain, membuat ekonomi cerdas bekerja untuk semua orang melalui pemberdayaan, persetujuan, dan inovasi di seluruh dunia.


Aset Digital & Pertukaran Komoditas menggunakan kecerdasan buatan dan teknologi kompetensi, dioptimalkan untuk menyediakan pasar yang efisien, aman, dan sesuai dengan solusi produk untuk komunikasi dan pelanggan kelas ritel. Penekanan kami adalah pada semua bentuk aset dan persaingan melalui tokenization. Untuk membawa lebih banyak peluang untuk dimasukkan dalam semua jenis investor, yang pada gilirannya menambah likuiditas lebih lanjut ke pasar tradisional ini.

DACX menjembatani transisi antara aset fisik dan digital, mengumpulkan sumber daya terbatas untuk mendorong ekonomi sirkular global. Dengan hosting fitur keamanan canggih, DACX menerapkan pembelajaran mesin untuk pengawasan pasar waktu nyata untuk mencegah aktivitas yang mempertanyakan dan melindungi keamanan & memanfaatkan KYC / AML saat menaiki penerbangan untuk kliennya.

Pengecualian Finansial

Pengecualian keuangan menentukan proses di mana orang mengalami kesulitan mengakses / atau menggunakan layanan keuangan di pasar-pasar utama sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka dan menyediakan mereka untuk mendukung kehidupan sosial normal di masyarakat tempat mereka bergantung.

Layanan Dukungan Pelanggan Buruk

Pelanggan adalah kunci untuk bisnis apa pun, perusahaan yang terus-menerus menyediakan layanan pelanggan yang dapat diterima dari bisnis. Pelanggan saat ini memiliki begitu banyak pilihan dan akan beralih ke tantangan jika ditemui dengan pengalaman layanan yang buruk. Apa pun tipe bisnis Anda, pelanggan Anda selalu ingin didengar dan dibeli dengan baik.

Beberapa tantangan terlihat di industri kami:

  • Waktunya merespons
  • Tidak punya jawaban untuk pertanyaan itu
  • Gagal mengambil apa yang diinginkan pelanggan
  • Menerima tanggungjawab
  • Resolusi - Meninggalkan respons pelanggan tidak dapat diambil

Ini dapat menyebabkan banyak efek samping, misalnya:

  • Reputasi buruk
  • Kehilangan bisnis & pelanggan yang kembali
  • Kehilangan karyawan terbaik kami
  • Kurangnya rasa hormat di mana kunci untuk memenangkan pelanggan Anda memenangkan mereka dengan rasa hormat terbaik. Ini membutuhkan pelatihan staf untuk bersikap sangat sopan dan ramah kepada semua pelanggan, apa pun media komunikasi.
DACX Exchange

Teknologi baru ini memungkinkan bisnis global untuk memungkinkan pemirsa baru di seluruh dunia untuk memastikan jalur bagi klien internasional daripada sebelumnya. Organisasi terhambat dengan tidak memberikan dukungan multi-bahasa yang merupakan bagian dari strategi berkelanjutan, pelanggan harus membuat rencana bisnis Anda menjadi tujuan, dan bagian dari ini memberi mereka pengalaman yang mulus.

Sebuah help desk yang mendukung, menyediakan di rumah atau diperoleh melalui perusahaan outsourcing adalah kunci yang diperoleh dengan pertumbuhan produk. Mesin pencocokan perdagangan adalah perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk mencocokkan pesanan pembelian, penawaran, dan dengan pesanan pembelian, penawaran. Ini adalah bagian terpenting dari setiap switch karena memungkinkan pengguna untuk berdagang satu sama lain dan semua alasan mereka terkait dengan platform. Algoritma yang menentukan aturan yang harus mereka patuhi, bagaimana, jumlah pesanan yang bisa mereka tangani dalam jumlah pasangan dan jumlah waktu yang dibutuhkan. Proses multi-utas lebih menguntungkan,

DACX Exchange

akan mencantumkan koin Stabil USD dan pasangan BTC untuk semua koin koneksi topi tinggi dan token utilitas. Kami akan membuat daftar dengan mengambil masukan dari anggota masyarakat. Lebih banyak koin akan ditambahkan seiring waktu. Kami umumnya hanya menambahkan koin transisi dan token utilitas yang memiliki kredibilitas, basis pengguna, dan likuiditas yang kuat. Untuk proyek yang ada atau yang akan datang yang ingin terdaftar di DACX Foundry untuk penawaran utama atau untuk perdagangan pasar sekunder di DACX Exchange, harus menyediakan untuk mendapatkan dana dari persyaratan kami dan daftar biaya promosi. Platform DACX Exchange scalable dalam hal aplikasi teknologi dan praktis di Q1 2020 kami mendukung peningkatan STO untuk perdagangan primer dan sekunder. Peta jalan kami sedang online untuk indikator kemajuan terbaru.

Kami akan meluncurkan platform dengan urutan sebagai berikut:
  • Perdagangan spot untuk koin Exchange & token Utilitas
  • Penawaran pasar primer dan sekunder untuk Token Keamanan
  • Perdagangan Marjin Crypto Currency
  • Perdagangan Mata Uang Margat
  • DEFI
Platform didukung
  • Kami akan menyediakan klien perdagangan lintas platform untuk:
  • Klien perdagangan berbasis web
  • Klien Android asli
  • Klien iOS asli
  • Soket Web
Beberapa fitur utama DACX adalah, tetapi tidak terbatas pada:
  • 2FA
  • Crypto to Fiat
  • Perbankan Rail & Settlement
  • Anti DDOS
  • Dukungan Dompet Perangkat Keras
  • Pengecoran
  • Dompet MultiSignature
  • Pembayaran perbatasan Universal Wallet-Remit Cross
  • Kartu Debit Virtual

Untuk memastikan keamanan aset digital dalam tahanan kami, kami akan menggunakan empat jenis dompet crypto:
  • Hot Wallet Ini adalah dompet yang digunakan di server internal kami untuk transfer yang sering. Hanya sebagian kecil dari dana yang akan digunakan tersedia untuk transfer yang sering. Semua Dompet Panas datang dalam bentuk terenkripsi dan kunci dekripsi hanya diterapkan oleh personel yang disetujui pada interval yang telah ditentukan untuk persetujuan transaksi keluar. Ini menghindari konsumsi aset jika server internal kami dikompromikan.
  • Dompet Semi-Dingin Terproteksi HSM Dompet ini adalah dompet kantor luar ruang yang dipegang oleh semua solusi dompet perangkat keras perusahaan dengan tata kelola, multisig, dan batas akses yang dikenakan oleh Mesin Keamanan Perangkat Keras. Beberapa tanda tangan personel yang ditransfer diperlukan untuk membahas satu transaksi dan akses terbatas ke terminal jaringan pribadi.
  • Integrasi Dompet Perangkat Keras Sebuah komentar tentang integrasi dompet perangkat keras Ledger nano, dan X (dengan Gambar)
  • Cold Wallet Dompet ini ditransfer secara offline dan ditransfer ke komputer secara offline oleh eksekutif manajemen senior.
Token Keamanan

Program Afiliasi / Rujukan

DACX menawarkan program Afiliasi / Rujukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran merek di mana hadiah tersedia berdasarkan berbagai tingkat verifikasi dan tahan. Jumlah total hadiah DACX terbatas hingga maksimum 5.000.000 token. Hadiah akan dikeluarkan pada akhir promosi berdasarkan periode.

Platform DACX Trade

Token DACX

Kami telah menerbitkan token utilitas kami sendiri, yang disebut DACX Token. Batas ketat 786.786.786 DACX telah dibuat, tidak pernah meningkat dan total penerimaan akan ditingkatkan melalui token yang sering. Token DACX akan berjalan pada blockchain Ethereum Original di bawah standar token ERC 20.

Dompet Universal

Universal Wallet adalah unit penyimpanan inti dari DACX Remit. Ini menggunakan DLT, perbankan tradisional, dan penjaga untuk menyimpan jenis aset berikut dalam satu dompet:
  • Uang Fiat
  • Crypto Currency
  • Token Utilitas
  • Token Keamanan (STO)
  • Koin Yang Stabil
  • Token Komoditas

Peta Jalan DACX
  • September 2019 - Pra-Registrasi
  • Oktober 2019 - Pra-Peluncuran IEO
  • Q4 2019 - Peluncuran Exchange
  • Q4 2019 - Fiat Gateways
  • Q1 2020 - Perpanjang Yurisdiksi Operasional ke UE & Asia
  • Q1 2020 - Pembayaran Lintas Batas
  • Q1 2020 - Integrasi STO
  • Q1 2020 - Kartu Debit Virtual
  • Q1 2020 - Bridge Remit & Exchange
  • Q2 2020 - Perdagangan Margin
  • Q2 2020- DEFI - Pinjaman
  • Q2 2020 - Perpanjang Yurisdiksi Operasional ke NA

FRANS KLERKS: Kepala Pemasaran
LISA LI: Pemasaran & Komunikasi Regional
TARIMA ISMAIL: Keamanan Cyber & Insinyur Blockchain
CURTIS PAVLIK: Penjualan & Operasi Regional
JAMES WACKETT: Pengembangan Bisnis Regional
MASKOR FRASS: Pengembang Stack Penuh
UMAIR JAWAID: Arsitek DevOps / Platform Engineer
PETER MACDONALD: Strategi & Kemitraan Bisnis - Divisi Komoditas

Sekian tulisan saya kali ini tentang proyek DACX, saya berharap bermanfaat bagi anda yang ingin mengenal tentang proyek ini, untuk informasi lebih detailnya tentang proyek DACX. Anda bisa mengunjungi link dibawah ini

Nama pengguna Bitcointalk: bitcampaign
Telegram: @rikamardianti
Alamat ETH: 0x2eFA5E262f957ecAF1a4Ec8bb12E8AE91F93aEca

Monday, November 4, 2019


Saya Bitcampaign, hari ini saya akan membahas sebuah proyek crypto yang bernama SMASH , dibawah ini saya akan memberikan beberapa penjelasan lebih detail dari proyek SMASH

Apa itu SMASH?

SMASH adalah salah satu mata uang kripto deflasi pertama. SMASH adalah mata uang kripto deflasi dengan perbedaan. Pasokan awal adalah 1.000.000 SMASH dan dengan tingkat deflasi sebesar 2% untuk setiap transaksi. Kami telah menemukan kasus penggunaan yang efektif. Cryptocurrency deflasi untuk Amal. Kami akan berfungsi sebagai harapan bagi orang miskin dan yang membutuhkan di seluruh dunia dan menciptakan ekonomi yang terdesentralisasi yang akan bersama-sama mengurangi kemiskinan dan kekurangan dari dunia ini.

Kami sedang mengembangkan Platform Sosial yang akan memungkinkan interaksi antara pengasuh dan pendukung, semua didukung oleh Token SMASH. Eksperimen Cryptocurrency deflasi sejauh ini terbukti berhasil, oleh karena itu kami telah memutuskan untuk mengambil percobaan ke tingkat berikutnya, dan kali ini kami sedang membangun sesuatu yang akan bermanfaat bagi semua orang.

Fitur donasi di situs web akan memungkinkan orang untuk secara langsung menyumbang untuk pengembangan token. Penanganan Komunitas Kami

Solusi - Smash Token.

Token besar adalah pengukuran yang terus menerus dihitung dan diukur dari nilai yang diberikan oleh setiap pendiri dan penasihat perusahaan. Ini didasarkan pada pencapaian bisnis, pengaruh pasar, dan evaluasi konsensus orang lain. Pelanggan dapat mengukur kemungkinan keberhasilan startup berdasarkan nilai agregat dari Smash Index tim. Semakin sukses pendiri atau penasihat, semakin bernilai mereka dan semakin berharga tokennya. 

Sekarang SMASH TOKEN siap berakselerasi.

Karena kami percaya token digital untuk pendanaan proyek adalah kendaraan finansial yang tepat bagi kami, pasar token kami masih terlalu muda. Ada banyak pemain yang tidak jujur ​​dan pelanggan yang tidak memiliki kepercayaan jangka panjang - dan itu masalah bagi bisnis seperti kita yang dapat mengambil manfaat darinya, tidak ada yang diangkat untuk memulihkan kesehatan pasar koin digital. Jadi kami lakukan.


Karena SMASH TOKEN akan menjadi salah satu kendaraan finansial terdalam karena memfasilitasi mata uang pertama. Dan kami dan tim akan berjuang keras untuk membuat terobosan atau ide sehingga apa yang kami bawa terwujud. Dan agar orang-orang yang masih jauh di bawah garis kemiskinan akan terbantu dan akan menikmati kehidupan yang bahagia bersama keluarga. menjadi aset yang dapat mendukung lebih banyak orang untuk membangun dukungan dan tidak mendukung - dan pasar Smash Token tidak akan lagi menjadi platform pembiayaan paling kuat untuk produk dan layanan baru bagi dunia. 

Model bisnis

Smash Token akan mulai menjual token utilitas untuk melakukan pra-penjualan bantuan yang tertarik melalui token utilitas Smash Token. Pelanggan dapat menggunakan SMSH TOKEN sebagai media pendukung untuk mendapatkan, memberi mereka akses ke skor Smash Token yang real-time dan historis untuk semua penawaran awal di pasar Smash Token.


SMASH adalah mata uang kripto deflasi dengan perbedaan. 
Dapatkan 1.000.000 SMASH awal dan dengan tingkat deflasi 2% untuk setiap transaksi. Kami telah menemukan kasus penggunaan yang efektif. 

Deflasi Cryptocurrency untuk Amal. Kami akan membantu orang miskin dan yang membutuhkan di seluruh dunia dan menciptakan ekonomi yang terdesentralisasi yang bersama-sama akan mengurangi kemiskinan dan perampasan dunia ini. 

Evaluasi umum

Token besar memulai perubahan di dunia crypto secara umum dengan memilih sisi deflasi. Karena jumlah token secara bertahap akan menurun, adalah mungkin untuk melihat dekomposisi positif dalam kisaran harga. Saya akan membagikan kepada Anda tautan proyek tertentu untuk melakukan penyelidikan proyek yang lebih rinci. 

Rincian Token dan Kerusakan

  • Simbol tanda: SMASH 
  • Total yang Dibutuhkan: 1.000.000 
  • Platform: Ethereum 

Detail Penerima:
  • 30% - Airdrop, sekitar 300.000 token SMASH akan tersedia melalui program airdrop. 
  • 20% - Hadiah, 200.000 token SMASH akan tersedia melalui hadiah promosi. 
  • 20% - Daftar Investor & Pertukaran, 
  • 20% dari total pasokan (200.000 SMASH) akan tersedia untuk investor dan pasar transportasi. 
  • 10% - DApp & Pemasaran, 100.000 Token SMASH akan digunakan untuk Pengembangan & Pemasaran DAPP.
  • 10% - Tim, Tim akan mengalokasikan 100.000 Token SMASH. 
  • Tim token akan dikunci selama 6 bulan.

Sekian tulisan saya kali ini tentang proyek SMASH, saya berharap bermanfaat bagi anda yang ingin mengenal tentang proyek ini, untuk informasi lebih detailnya tentang proyek SMASH. Anda bisa mengunjungi link dibawah ini

Nama pengguna Bitcointalk: bitcampaign
Telegram: @rikamardianti
Alamat ETH : 0x2eFA5E262f957ecAF1a4Ec8bb12E8AE91F93aEca

SiriusX - The First Blockchain Based Travel Network and Social Network

I am Bitcampaign, today I will discuss a crypto project called SiriusX, below I will give some more detailed explanations of the SiriusX project

What is SiriusX ?

SiriusX is the first blockchain-based platform to combine the two booming sectors of tourism and social media. With the wide range of offers from hotels to flights or cruises to events and events, there is nothing left to be desired for travel enthusiasts. The integrated SiriusX Social Network gives users the opportunity to meet like-minded people, share travel experiences and also receive rewards in the form of SiriusX tokens. All this is available, anytime, anywhere, payable by SiriusX Payment Card – cost-effectively and in record time due to blockchain technology!

If you go on different social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube or Snapchat, everywhere you are overwhelmed by travel blogs and holiday pictures. If you talk with acquaintances about their biggest goals and desires in life, you will most likely find the answer: ‘I want to see the whole world!’ It is not for nothing that the tourism
industry supplies more than 10 percent of the world’s workforce with 313 million jobs, according to studies by ‘The World Travel and Tourism Council’ (WTTC), more than mine, automotive and financial services together. Tendency rising!

Project Mission
Establish the token on the crypto market and function as a world-renowned travel provider and Social Network.

SiriusX will become the world's largest and only platform integrating and combining the most profitable as well as the most popular leisure sectors with its own extensive but also user-friendly social network in the blockchain by using smart contracts.

Problems and solutions

Travel is currently considered relatively safe and accessible to everyone, but despite all progress, there are still many issues for travelers. The topic of costs probably plays the most decisive role for the majority. The offers for flights and hotels are countless times compared to make sure to have caught the cheapest one. When exchanging currencies, horrendous fees are paid to banks and exchanges.

These become obsolete with our globally-established SiriusX token (SRX), which makes it possible for our customers to spend the money on a leisurely dinner instead. The loss or theft of the bank or credit card is an issue that many holidaymakers come into contact with. On the one hand the person concerned has the effort to lock the card, on the other hand there are fees for a replacement card.

Especially for credit cards, the damage can take considerable heights if the loss is

noticed too late. Again, SiriusX FinTech has the perfect solution for its users. Card locks are obsolete because payments can only be made in conjunction with the SiriusX application, which is again PIN protected. A replacement card can be ordered free of charge and easily.




Decentralized Travel Platform
  • The ultimate offer for our users!
  • Configurate your dream holiday with SiriusX!
  • Search for houses, apartments, hotels, flights cruises, car rentals and event tickets all over the world to the cheapest prices!
  • Order safely without high transaction costs with cryptocurrencies but also possible with fiat money.

Decentralized Social Network Platform
  • The integrated Social Network-Entertainment and source of information in one.
  • Present yourself with your personal profile at your own convenience!
  • Share pictures, stories and experiences and let the SiriusX community patricipate!
  • You also have the chance to earn SiriusX token with your travel reports if you get chosen by the community!

SiriusX Card
  • Anonymous, fast transactions!
  • Protected by PIN code and SiriusX wallet!
  • Easier access than at banks!
  • Worldwide payments in one single currency (SRX) possible!
Why Blockchain?

In the current online travel ecosystem, consumers must pay high service fees. With multiple providers, such as airlines, hotels, car rentals and insurance companies, you can quickly add up these charges. SiriusX FinTech provides a decentralized organization and a democratically designed market. In addition, the blockchain technology contributes to protect large amounts of data and to enable the company to collect, analyze and tailor offers to the needs of individual users. Automatic detection of weak links in the supply chain, in payment transactions and other business processes help the team with the fastest possible problem solving.

This technology is an open source. Therefore, it is possible to make modifications at your discretion. Logged data within a blockchain can be detected but not falsified by anyone. This makes blockchain a particularly secure technology.

Lower transaction costs
Settlement of peer-to-peer and business-to-business transactions is possible without a third party. Since there is no intermediary participation,the costs are reduced.

Blockchain allows individual transactions to receive their own validation and
authorization. Because the information about a particular blockchain is processed on individual servers worldwide in separate parts, it is ensured that unwanted access to this information will only endanger a small amount of data and not the entire network.

Market analysis & potential
Online travel market

This timeline shows worldwide online travel revenues from 2014 to 2020. In 2017, the global online travel revenue was $ 629.81 billion. This number is expected to rise to $ 755.94 billion in 2019.

The days when travel reservations were only possible by visiting travel agencies or making phone calls are gone – travel websites and mobile apps are making digital reservations increasingly easier. For today’s travelers it is almost unthinkable not to be able to plan and book travel reservations in advance.

Growth factors

The SiriusX platform will become a user network, with a true ecosystem. Since the project iprimarily focused on Gen-Z (born between 1995 and 2010, the oldest now 24 years in 2019),which will make up the majority of global travelers in the next few years while using online travel planning, there is no doubt that the user base of SiriusX – and therefore the size of its network – will grow extremely fast. A whole range of factors can boost the growth of the SiriusX platform ecosystem, both on the part of companies and on the side of potential supporters and travelers.
  • Partnerships
  • Large audience
  • Marketability
  • Properties
Token sale

SiriusX FinTech runs its own ERC20 Token on the largest and most popular decentralized blockchainplatform: Ethereum. With the digital currency SiriusX (SRX), we promise transactions between buyers and sellers through cryptographic exchanges and between SiriusX users and our cooperation partners.
The liquidity of SRX will rise as demand increases and benefits become more consistent. When paying with SRX, the security is guaranteed according to blockchain standards and the protection of private user data.

Pre Sale
During Pre Sale (1st Dec. – 31st Dec.), 5 million SiriusX tokens will be released to the
  • 1 SRX 0.05 US-Dollar
  • Duration 30 Days
  • Minimum purchase 0.5 ETH
  • Maximum purchase 150 ETH
  • Market capitalization 250,000 US-Dollar
ICO Initial Coin Offering

The minimum payment for the purchase of SiriusX tokens (SRX) is $ 150. The SiriusX token will be listed on the crypto exchanges. After the ICO SRX will be available to the public for exchange and trading. Once the SiriusX platform is fully operational, the use of SRX will become active and ongoing between the company and its users. As the level of popularity rises, the demand and the general value of the currency will also increase. An ERC-20 token is a program that works in the Ethereum Virtual Machine of the Ethereum – Blockchain. The smart contract guarantees that the SiriusX token allocation plan remains unchanged. It is impossible to create more than 100,000,000 tokens. This means that after the listing in an exchange the price depends exclusively on the market demand and not on technical manipulations.
  • TOKEN NAME: SiriusX
  • TOTAL SUPPLY: 100,000,000 SRX
  • CONTRACT ADDRESS: 0x32f3b8a00b6912d0314be212fe9538b7b9430c12
Token distribution
  • ICO:  (82%)
  • Team:  (10%)
  • Pre sale:  (5%)
  • Rewards:  (1%)
  • Airdrop:  (1%)
  • Advisor:  (1%)
Distribution of income
  • Development: (45%)
  • Marketing:  (35%)
  • Bounty:  (10%)
  • Reserves:  (5%)
  • Legal:  (5%)

Q3 2018
  • Idea & creation of the SiriusX project
  • Teambuilding
  • Whitepaper
  • Planning the ICO campaign 
Q4 2018
  • Creation of the SiriusX ICO page
  • Development of the Ethereum based smart contract 
Q1/Q2 2019
  • Development demo version SiriusX travel & social network platform
  • Development of the SiriusX - app (betaversion)
Q3 2019
  • Demo version SiriusX travel & social network platform
  • SiriusX app demo version available for iOS & Android
  • Marketingcampaign (social media) 
Q4/Q1 19/20
  • Pre sale (5 million SiriusX tokens (SRX))
  • SiriusX ICO (82 million SiriusX tokens (SRX))
  • Extensive marketing campaign
Q2 2020
  • Finished travel and social network platform
  • Integration SiriusX token (SRX)
  • Functional app & payment card usable worldwide
  • Monthly reward of the most popular blog post
  • Annual payout for the existing Greenpeace campaign
  • Extensive marketing campaign
  • Exchange listings
  • Patrick Scheiter: Co-Founder & COO
  • Peter Metzler: Co-Founder & CFO
  • Daniel Kirchgesner: Software Engineer & CTO
  • Philipp Salanta: Business Developer
  • Sebastian Pinca: Blockchain Developer
  • Selina Grigat: Head of Marketing
  • Faraz Moeini: UI/UX Designer
  • Jonas Scherrer: Community Manager

That's enough of my writing this time about the SiriusX project. I hope this is useful for those of you who want to know about this project, for more detailed information about the SiriusX project, you can visit the link below

Bitcointalk username: bitcampaign
ETH Address: 0x2eFA5E262f957ecAF1a4Ec8bb12E8AE91F93aEca