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Sunday, January 27, 2019

SYNAPSECOIN - Collective Financing System Using BLockchain Technology and Smart Contracts

Hello everyone, If you are interested in joining the Synapsecoin project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you see their vision and mission, below:

What is SynapseCoin?

Synapsecoin is a collective financing system that uses BLockchain technology and Smart Contracts that comply, transparency and security in each operation.

This system allows financing innovative projects connecting them with investors. This system allows financing innovative projects connecting them with investors interested in contribute to the society, and at the same time generating an attractive profitability.

It will also be supported by its own Exchange or (exchange house), called Criptowasi. A system based on disruptive technology, and developed with a look & feel appropriate to the world of trading; using as standard the best practices of the Exchange most positioned cryptoworld.


  • The investor through the Synapsecoin platform finds safe and reliable projects presented by a entrepreneur.
  • The Entrepreneur makes a secure smart contract for fundraising campaign of his project, where the investor, through the SYP token, invests in the chosen project, which started his fundraising campaign. Funds will be stored in the smart contract. The Entrepreneur makes a secure smart contract for fundraising campaign of his project, where the investor, through the SYP token, invests in the chosen project, which started his fundraising campaign. Funds will be stored in the smart contract.
  • If the entrepreneur's fundraising campaign is successful, the investor will receive a 20% reward of their investment in SYP token.
  • If the investor wishes to make use of his reward, he can do it in the Cryptowasi Exchange, there he can exchange it on bitcoin, eth, ltc. Or he can trade.
  • Once the fundraising campaign is successfully completed, in the entrepreneur project, funds will be exchanged in the Cryptowasi Exchange for the project execution.
  • Once the entrepreneur completes successfully the project, the total of their investment will be delivered to the investors.
What does SYNAPSECOIN offer?
  • The Synapsecoin platform offers to project developers, advice, support and fundraising tools in the initial stage of the project.
  • The platform allows you to develop two types of fundraising campaigns: Crowdfunding and Crowdinvesting.
  • You will use SYP as an exchange currency within the Synapsecoin platform.

  • In traditional Crowdfunding creators present their projects and in many cases do not receive ideal advice in the initial stage of creation. Which often involves the failure of these projects at some point in its life stage.
  • Entrepreneurs pay high rates of commission for platform maintenance and they assume transaction costs, which can represent in some cases up to 30% of their capital.
  • Investors will not receive rewards directly, are made through banking transactions and whether these transactions are carried from one continent to another delay may be delayed up to several weeks.
  • In traditional crowdfunding platforms, investors have no control over their investments, nor any representation. Which creates great uncertainty during the timeout project implementation. And in many cases investments are not safe because it is delivered 100% of the capital raised the project creator, this represents a point against the investor.
  • SynapseCoin platform offers to projec creator not just one space of funding for their project also provided; advice (Whitepaper, website, marketing, legal area, etc.), support and fund raising tools from the initial stage of the project. This may represent for the creator a successful campaign funds and proper development of your project sustainability over time.
  • SYNAPSECOIN charges 4% of total revenue in SYP project by Crowdinvesting and Crowdfunding campaigns for maintenance of the platform. This fee is taken when the project has successfully completed fundraising. thus providing the best commissions for the creator carry out the project without financial complications.
  • Thanks to Blockchain technology and smart contracts used within SynapseCoin platform; users investments, delivering rewards and profits arrive within minutes, these transactions will depend on how quickly the miners validating network ethereum.
  • On SynapseCoin we provide two financing options. First the Crowdinvesting where investors have control and representation of their investments. And the crowdfunding where investors are rewarded. In both cases the recaudation of each project will be delivered to the creator in parts after verification of compliance with the agreements established in the smart contract.
It is based on the ERC20 protocol, intelligent contract of ETHEREUM. This is a key feature that makes it possible for us to bring the highest level of security and privacy to users. SYP will be the only exchange currency, accepted as an investment form and the exchange fee with other cryptos will be through Ethereum currency (ETHER).


Symbol: SYP
Decimal standard of ERC20: 18
Token Type: Utility token
Token use: Exchange currency within the platform.
Total supply: 990,000,000 SYP
Funds allocated: 495,000,000 (50% total sale of SYP).
Token distribution: 495,000,000
Sales Period: December 01, 2018 UTC to Mayo 31, 2019 UTC
Total Token availability for sale: 495,000,000 SYP.
Softcap: If the project fails to raise 3,000,000 USD, the established by the company will
be reprogrammed
Hardcap: 26,000,000 USD
Wallet Compatibility: Myetherwallet, Metamask.

The 495,000,000 tokens will be distributed in 3 stages:





To find out more. You can connect more with reindeer at the link below:


Username Bitcointalk : bitcampaign
Eth Address : 0x2eFA5E262f957ecAF1a4Ec8bb12E8AE91F93aEca

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