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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

EMPIREHOTELS - “Changing the Hospitality Industry”

About the EMPIREHOTELS Platform
EMPIREHOTELS is the ultimate platform for users to book both rooms and experiences across the globe. Our platform provides an easy way to check-in/check-out and is fully prepared for the future of room automation.

How does it work?

Hotel owners install the app and add their properties to the platform. By doing so, they become available for business immediately. It's as simple as that.

Simple, easy, and fun.
Users can browse for hotels and experiences nearby. They can place bookings using both fiat and EMPIRECASHs — our digital asset.

Truly empowering hotels.
Even though there are no fees for the registration, a small fee — the smallest on the market — is added to each transaction in order to make the platform viable. Affordable fees for owners; lower prices for users.

Revolutionising the Hospitality Industry

Our developers took care of every little step during the app development process. We want to give the best experience to our users.

When does  EMPIRE  CASH  plan to be registered in crypto exchange?

After the completion of the Sales Token and subsequent token distribution, a list of  CASH EMPIRE is   planned in several major exchanges. Our team has reached an initial agreement with representatives of this exchange, however, we are not free to disclose their names or exact dates for the planned list. Please wait for the official announcement from this exchange.

What is EMPIRE CASH ? How do I buy it?
EMPIRE CASH is a payment token, which is used as a medium of exchange between service providers and customers in the HOTELS EMPIRE  platform . This can be purchased at the token sale at, which starts in February 2019. The base price per  EMPIRE  CASH  is \ (1 \ more than 7800 \) ETH (,0000,000128205 ETH). The initial participant of the Sales Token is entitled to receive a bonus.

How many EMPIRE  CASH tokens   have been issued? Is there a possibility of additional tokens to be issued?
There are a total of 367,200,000 EMPIRE  CASH tokens   issued, ≈85% of them (or 312,000,000) will be available for sale. Smart contracts do not allow for the issuance of additional tokens.

Initial Coins Offer

Protocol: ERC20
Purchase method: BTC, ETH, LTC

The US, Iran and North Korea are not allowed to participate
Personal limit is 0.01ETH – unlimited
The bonus system is available for early investors
Emissions of new tokens are disabled
White List Available

KYC is needed


First Draft of the Idea
November 2017
The first idea for the app and the platform was designed. Even though this idea has changed over time, it was in November 2017 that we first discussed the development of this project.

Smart-Contract Design
March 2018
The smart-contract development and audit is a crucial stage in the process of an ICO. During this stage, the crypto-economics, figures, and supply were defined.

Whitepaper Development
March 2018
The whitepaper describes the technology and the features of our apps and platform, as well as the plans for the future.

Website + Dashboard Development
June 2018
The website and dashboard for the wallet was developed using the most modern technologies, and was repeatedly tested on many different devices.

ICO Phase
Commenes in January 2019
The ICO Phase will commence in January 2019 and will be split into three parts: Pre-ICO (pre sale), Phase 1, and Phase 2.

App Launch for Android and iOS
April 2019
The first version of the app will not be beta; it will be fully operational. This version will have all the features enabled from day one and will be updated over time.

July 2019
This feature, scheduled for July 2019, will provide a tool for users to pay via contactless using their phones, whilst withdrawing from their available EmpireCash coins.

Core Team

Advisory Board


Username : bitcampaign

ETH : 0x2eFA5E262f957ecAF1a4Ec8bb12E8AE91F93aEca

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