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Friday, February 22, 2019

GoWithMi – Mapping the World on Blockchain

Hello Everyone, I will introduce the project about GoWithMi, If you are interested in joining the GoWithMi project, let's look at the following review

The world’s first fully distributed location-based service infrastructure complements the last key component of the block chain to improve real-world applications. GoWithMi is building the first fully distributed location-based service infrastructure (DLBS) in the world. A block chain that empowers the real economy with the aim of providing a complete and reliable geographical information exchange service for large-scale trade ranging from data, computing, private terminals to commercial ecosystems, and to create a multidimensional, safe, and smart value stream. Completing the last core component of. Application.

The GoWithMi Geological Information Ecology Network consists of Geospatial Consensus Data Generation, Spatial Computing Power Networks, Self-Organizing Geospatial Asset Nodes and Business Application Sharing Support Platforms. DLBS, the Oracle mapping platform and super consensus, support for all block-chain platforms, one-stop support for location-based service discovery, and offline businesses based on algorithmic agreements to encourage participation and benefits for everyone Jump into a new era of programmable business, And chains and loose chains enter into a complete business ecosystem that circulates itself in Turing.

Main feature

DLBS: GoWithMi The main component of the Internet ecosystem, geolocation services can be fully distributed to make it a core component of all block chain networks, and freely called by various top-level applications on the Internet and block chain networks. GoWithMi’s Distributed Location-Based Service Capability (DLBS) includes systems such as map location, search and request, route navigation, environmental and traffic information search, and spatial intelligent mining. All data and services are run in the innovative world of GoWithMi. The first “Gaia computing space block chain network”. Gaia can store all data in the chain and can overcome “mining pool control”, access equal mining rights of all objects, given the decentralization of detention and high efficiency of EOS. Therefore,

Oracle Super Space: Implementing all block chains into reality will produce ultimate problems, such as how to connect the “untrusted” world outside the block chain to the “trusted” world in the block chain. This requires a “reliable gate mechanism”. GoWithMi provides this reliable gateway mechanism. Oracle’s super spatial GoWithMi provides a “trusted gateway mechanism” original block chain, needed by all smart contracts related to location-based services, and connects two different worlds through a “trusted” mechanism in the chain. Providing trusted location-based data for smarter contracts allows Turing-computer networks to be fully programmed, represented by Ethereum, to seamlessly integrate with offline business,

Consensus map: There are 60% of the region in the world and 4 billion people still cannot enjoy map services of the same quality as developed countries. This is because traditional scale of map data is very dependent on global work collection. This is a high cost that Google can’t afford. The GoWithMi Consensus Map adopts a new approach to creating the first “spatial consensus mechanism” that allows people in every corner of the world to jointly maintain “world map data books” without any threshold. We have overcome the main issues of the map industry including collaborative production, automatic supervision, and assessment through the design of excellent consensus game mechanisms such as Evidence Mapping (POM) and Spatial Bancor, breaking the boundaries of human worker organizations,

Component Platform

Distributed mapping: Through a series of spatial aggregation mechanisms and protocols, GoWithMi encourages real world geospatial data to migrate to the world of block chains to create global coverage, real-time updated and real-time, geospatial data in the block chain. Mainly include:

Proof of Mapping (PoM): GoWithMi abstracts data collection and production as a “space adjustment game process”. Under a game mechanism controlled by space, it coordinates the collection and verification of each participant through a series of economic actions such as oath tokens, gifts, gambling and prizes.

Spatial Bancor Protocol: GoWithMi uses the Space Bancor Protocol to dynamically adjust data collection and balance supply and demand relationships between data collection and compensation tokens to associate a single data value from data collection and bidding with overall data size requirements.

Distributed computing

GoWithMi revolutionized Gaia, the world’s first “space computing block chain network” as the main chain of blocks, and creatively designed the structure of “Dual-Chain Dual Sharding Space”. The main chain of GAIA can realize the storage of all data in the chain, taking into account the high POW distribution and EOS efficiency, providing more dimensional application scenarios than IPFS, achieving equal rights mining for all objects, and “mining collection control” Please reject. Gaia’s main chain of networks mainly includes: (Gaia is the god of the earth, mother of gods in ancient Greek mythology, the first creator born in chaos, and one of the original forces of nature that can create life)

GeoMesh Sharding based data structure mechanism: GoWithMi reconfigures the location-based service technology architecture, starting with the lowest layer of the technical architecture data layer, to be compatible with the block chain technology framework. This is mainly related to full scale data used in traditional mapping services to do GeoMesh Sharding. The map data layer is described as a GeoMesh data network which is equivalent to the traditional centralized data format. The GeoMesh block data size is adjusted to the block chain default point-to-point network protocol. One GeoMesh is functionally separated and can provide full-featured location services independently. Parallel processing can provide location-based services in many parts of the world.

Spatial Root Chain: GoWithMi has developed its own automatic editing engine for map data. This compilation engine is the first map data in the world to fully automate map data without human intervention. Based on this technological innovation, the spatial root chain can achieve “data generation maps in the chain”. The spatial root chain uses the DPOS Pipelined Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) agreement for super node synchronization. The spatial root chain focuses on implementing smart contract consensus data production, updating geographic spatial data books, and making and distributing GeoMesh data.

Spatial Peer-to-Peer Computing Network: Each node in a spatial peer-to-peer computing network synchronizes geomesh data according to location-based service requirements and generates geomesh data from spatial root chains spread across peer-to-peer networks Create new computing networks . Based on parallel decoupling capabilities of the Geo Mesh space, all devices can cache more than one GeoMesh, allowing CPU, memory, hard disk, and network of all objects to participate in mining peer-to-peer spatial computing to provide complete GeoMesh space Generating services toll-based income.

Random Sharding Protocol Spatial Multiparty Sharding: Sharding Protocol Random Spatial Multiparty Sharding based on the GeoMesh sharding rule that randomly connects multiple nodes to form the Oracle “Sharding Chain”. Protocols “are block chain bookkeeping and smart contract execution, local service convergence. The sharding mechanism ensures high performance of commercial class requirements by carrying out block production between large equality nodes and preventing centralized defects such as the EOS super node method. Introducing the concept of” random multiparty ” , attack difficulty increases exponentially to reach “1% Attack”.

Distributed organization

This refers to the map data maintenance community, which mainly focuses on spatial digital land rights, by making the import of spatial digital land rights especially the obligation to retain data. In the process of maximizing profits for community members such as landlords, miners, users and traders, global autonomy is built from chain to chain to promote the two-way cycle and the sustainable development of the internal and external ecosystems of GoWithMi.

Spatial Digital Land Rights (GoZone Assets): GoWithMi divides spatial assets in the digital world by embedding permanent land in real space. In particular, space space is based on large spatial data (spatial integration algorithms, cluster cluster analysis, etc.) Mainly divided into independent functional areas such as residential areas, work areas and consumer districts. GoZone is an independent digital space area that covers this functional area through highly centralized business value scaling and maintenance. The various benefits of GoZone are natural and natural.

Space Digital Land Rights: Digital Land Rights Space is the ownership of the digital assets of the GoWithMi space. The owner (owner) is the subject of all interests in the GoZone region and smart contracts distribute income generated directly. GoZone benefits include local or provincial data call revenue, location ad revenue, business search revenue, transaction fees, business conversion sales dividends, and GoZone audit benefits.

Sharing is distributed

We share the economy as a one-stop solution that provides basic spatial data, location-based services, spatial computing, smart location contracts, and token payments for shared ecosystems that are distributed globally that can be used widely in the GoWithMi ecosystem itself and local O2O services. Car insurance, which is based on services, personal financial services, precise personal location advertising, car internet, API maps, etc., actively promotes the block chain to provide practical economics, and offline business becomes a new era of business that can be programmed.

GoWithMi Mobile Application: The GoWithMi application acts as a cellular terminal for the key chain and Gaia mapping function, combining full-featured mapping services, Mapper tools, GMAT payments, GoZone management, views of power transactions and mining.

DLBS API / SDK: The API / SDK provides all features such as location, search and request, path navigation, search around and traffic, and spatial intelligent mining. All data and services are run on a distributed chain of networks built by GoWithMi.

Oracle Super Spatial API / SDK: GoWIthMi Spatial Data and Trusted Space Oracle Oracle Super Space Based on large data, we fully consider all distributed business scenarios, provide a combination. Trusted locations, electronic fencing, anti-security, reliable trails, and smart space businesses enhance your offline business ecosystem to a fully programmable, trustworthy business ecosystem.

Visual Location Smart Contract Template: Filter template settings for local merchants based on the trigger conditions of the Smart GoWithMi Map service contract. Set trigger conditions including, but not limited to, location range, target location, target customer characteristics, duration, and coupons. There is no training fee at all, make smart contracts quickly and build a “smart business” owned by the merchant itself. Maximize the benefits of your business.

GMAT Token

  • Price of 1 GMAT = 0.006 USD
  • MVP / prototype available
  • Platform Ethereum
  • Singapore State
  • White List / None KYC
  • Area limited to the United States

Maybe this is what I can say to get more accurate information from this review. If you still have questions or information that you don’t understand, don’t worry. You have a link to visit. Find out more information. I will give an accurate description after the team or founder has finished it correctly. Here is a comment that I convey to all of you to find information and identify the project that your team is doing if I do not have enough explanation in this article. Do not worry. Correct information about education. Provide information and of course you can talk directly with the founder or team.

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ETH : 0x2eFA5E262f957ecAF1a4Ec8bb12E8AE91F93aEca

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