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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

ATRONOCOM - Platform Accelerates Development of Decentralized Application Ecosystems

Hi friends If you are interested in joining the ATRONOCOM project, you should read reviews that can help you get information that can help you see their vision and mission. Here's the review:

ATRONOCOM is currently conducting an investor SAFT - crowdsale to support the launch of the platform and accelerate development of its decentralized application ecosystem.


Worldwide Token Sales
The Worldwide Token sale is the basis for ATRONOCOM to start with the project as by side of raising funds for a fast grow and marketing, it is a great marketing tool for the project.

Masternode Operation System
We will send the technical information out after the Presale. You just have to drop us a message if you are interested in working with us.

Staking Applications for Android and iOS
ATRONOCOM is providing a state of the art light node solution for your smartphone which allows you to stake where ever you are.

Crypto Bankcard, Wallet and Exchange
Banking features for FIAT & Crypto all in one, well designed DApp.

OTC Trading
The solution is on your ATRONOCOM DApp and is fast and easy from your phone.

High Security Messenger

All you need for communication -  only faster and more secure than anything you're using today.


  • ATRONOCOM has positioned itself as a secure platform in one of the fastest developing markets in the world.
  • ATRONOCON wants to make life easier for investors and participants with simple but advanced technologies and products.
  • ATRONOCOM will provide practical user experience, transparently guarantee and lead the exchange of information between the parties involved.
  • ATRONOCOM wants to give access to the results achieved through research and development of the past years to its customers and partners at a reasonable and safety-conscious price performance ratio.

The company

The steady growth of projects and companies being established in the UAE in which we ourselves have received solid support from the government have led us to found ATRONOCOM in Dubai.

ATRONOCOM, is a limited liability company (Ltd.), "DMCC" Free Zone in foundation in Dubai and will be registered as Distributed Ledger resp. Blockchain as well as Software Development Company until end of January 2019. The required permits will thus also be issued and published in the central register of the United Arab Emirates. In cooperation with Abu Dhabi Global Market, the implementation and use of the financially relevant components will then be discussed and put online in a structured manner.

The Emirates offer us possibilities, as an internationally know holiday destination, to reach people from all over the world and to develop the products as it would not be feasible in any other country of the world. The UAE are highly flexible towards new and growing markets such as crypto currencies and products connected with the blockchain technology. In addition, the next Expo will take place next year 2020 in UAE. 

We intend to be partners with different companies and projects influencing new ecosystems.

Decentralized application


Light nodes or SPV nodes that download block headers verify the authenticity of transactions. They use complete nodes as intermediaries. Light Node Clients are supported by full nodes for many operations, from querying the latest headers to the account balance of an account to the actual introduction of staking. This saves batterie and storage space. However, it is a complete staking process which is rewarded with an incentive.

For the first release, we connect smartphones by connecting the wallet to relay nodes that have full API functionality and serve as backends for the feature-rich clients. Investors can place their coins on the Mobile Wallet and elect delegates based on their vote weighting. The delegates can create new blocks in the network and they will be rewarded for the service which will then be shared again with the Light Node Clients in proportion. This process will be continuously expanded until the full confirmation process is completed via the smartphone.


Members of the ATRONOCOM Legion who have downloaded the DApp and filled out the registration form can activate their Virtual Bank Card immediately and order one or more Physical Partner Cards directly and then use them for many functions. The bank card is directly connected to the ATRONOCOM system and can be used at almost 40 million contact points worldwide.
  • Online Partner Account Registration
  • DApp Account Management
  • Usable for all services and products
  • Online Registration of the Partner Card Bonus Program
  • concierge service
  • And a lot more...

  • Buy and sell crypto currencies benefit from OTC trading services
  • Day trading (near future), margin trading (near future) and crypto mining
  • IBAN bank account in Luxembourg or Switzerland
  • Receiving and sending money via SWIFT / SEPA
  • Escrow service without third parties
  • High load limits of up to 1,000,000 EUR per year
  • High spending limits up to 30,000 EUR per transaction
  • Maximum limit of 100,000 EUR per month
  • Easy activation
  • Multi-currency card (5 currencies available)
  • Anonymous - The cardholder's name is not displayed.
  • Secure sending and receiving of messages and files
  • Connected wallet function
  • P2P Encryption VOIP
  • Calls & Video Chat
  • Group Chat
  • Broadcast Function
  • Security Settings
  • Voice Messages (Audio)
  • Emojis & Gifs
Token Sales 

Token Total: 440´000´000 

Management: 15% (66M)
  • 25m= 15 Euro cent
  • 50M= 30 Euro cent
  • 50M= 40 Euro cent
  • 50M= 50 Euro cent
  • 50M= 65 Euro cent
Rest: 149M for Staking-incentive
Staking Token incentive: 20 -30% per year
Token will be given to Investor after closing of SAFT (Simple Agreement of Future Token) Therewith the staking process is officially injected.

Sales- Network Commission
  • Level 1: 10%
  • Level 2: 3%
  • Level 3: 5%
  • Level 4: 2%
  • Level 5: 1%
Use of capital
  • 50%: Marketing and sale of products
  • 30%: product development
  • 10%: Legal & Corporate Structuring
  • 10%: contingencies

2018 JAN-MAR
Project definition and preparation

2018 APR-JUN
Technical planning and team formation as well as start of programming of tools and libraries for mobile versions and banking

2018 JUL-SEP 
Tes to fthe first coponents and implementation of the security concept

2018 OKT-DEZ
Completion of the components for banking, bank cards and Messenger as well as Smartphone Staking. Beta version of all components successfully completed. Optimization process injected

2019 JAN-MAR
API and interaction structure as well as going online beta version

2019 APR-JUN 
Activation of the DApp and Network light nodes, relay nodes and master nodes

2019 JULY
Expansion of the platform and marketing activities as well as planning and participation in international events.

You can find out more about the platform or participate in their crowd sales through the following links:

WebANNWhitepaperTwitterFacebookTelegramTG ChannelTG Bounty

Bitcointalk Username: bitcampaign
ETH Address: 0x2eFA5E262f957ecAF1a4Ec8bb12E8AE91F93aEca

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