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Thursday, March 21, 2019


Hello everybody, this new dipostingan I want to introduce about the FABA project, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion:

The theme of investment has always been, is and will be one of the most important in our lives. And not because this is the age of technology or digital coins. No, it's just that in the world there are very often brilliant ideas that are looking for the necessary amount of investment for their development, so that in the future they can grow and develop. Therefore, nowadays it is very important to notice and help in the development of a particular project, as its idea can radically change our lives for the better.

For example, in 2009, the well-known company Uber was born, which at one time needed funds to develop its concept and ideas. And this funding has been traced throughout these 10 years of development. Now imagine what would be our daily life without such a convenient taxi service?! Why without it, because the company Uber did not exist, if not venture capital investments that helped it grow to the level that we see with you now.

However, underfinancing is faced by a huge number of cool startups that simply failed to make the proper impression on investors or simply did not find those to whom they could turn. Thereby depriving himself of a distant and bright future. Such problems concern both the traditional market of startups and cryptocurrency projects that seek to fill our lives with new ideas and concepts.

Seeing this injustice, a team of experienced professionals came to the conclusion, and why would they not form their own venture company, which would be able to help many start-up projects to overcome the very boundary of underfunding, as well as help them at all stages of their development?! And the concept - Faba LTD was born.

About the project

As you have already understood Faba LTD is not just another project. This is a company that, through the introduction of modern technologies, is ready to bring to the world of investment a completely new model of venture capital investments available through the blockchain network and cryptocurrencies.

Thanks to the professionalism and rich experience of the team of founders, the directions in which Faba LTD will develop, will include medicine, education, IT technologies, and other discoveries and inventions. The main objective of Faba LTD is to adapt all venture capital in a modern way using modern systems. For this purpose, non-accredited investors will have access to Fabatokens, with the help of which funding for available ICO projects will increase.

Feature Faba LTD

At first glance, it may not be clear the whole principle of Faba LTD, but now I will try to explain everything. The economic model of Faba LTD looks quite simple and clear. The first thing this company plans to start its activity with is to identify and invest in more than 110 projects in the first 4 years. At the same time, to make every effort for the full and qualitative development of each of them, investing a sufficient amount of capital for the initial needs.

Moreover, projects for venture investment will be selected through in-depth analysis, which takes place in several stages. An addition to all this will be a vote in which the Faba platform will identify a promising and potentially interesting startup from an uninteresting model. Users who have more than 2000 Faba tokens on their balance can take part in the voting. This technique will allow developers to evaluate a startup project, the mood of the market audience and understand what they can expect.


Using not too complicated business model Faba LTD is ready to fill the world with new and promising ICO projects, carefully passing them through the prism of their own experience and the opinion of the surrounding crowd. Having given after a satisfactory evaluation, the project all the necessary funding for the first period of development.

By investing their share of capital in the development of a project, the founders of Faba LTD have a percentage of shares in the project, which means that they can directly influence the growth and development of the project itself.

The details of the ICO

As for tokens, they will also be available for everyone. They can be purchased both in the first and in the second round of public sales, with a small discount. The total number of coins will be 160 million Faba. The initial price for 1 coin Faba will be 1 us dollar. Yet not sold tokens will be burned in order to increase the value of each coin purchased.

ICO FABA Token Concept

  • (FABA) token value in 1st ICO round: $1
  • (FABA) token value in 2nd ICO round: $1.3
  • Total number of Faba tokens: 160M (FABA) tokens
  • PRE ICO + ICO sale: 80M (FABA) tokens
  • ICO Hardcap $67,5M
  • ICO Softcap $4M
  • Investment to startups: $60.95M
  • Min. investment: $200 – 1
  • st round, $1300 – 2
  • nd round
  • Number of projects: 110
  • Duration of ICO raising : 12 months, 2 rounds
  • Pessimistic ROI: 35 % p.a. (excl. unicorn*)
  • Optimistic ROI: 138 % p.a. (incl. unicorn*)
  • Exit 110 startups: $0.172 - 0.672B
  • Investor‘s voting right: 2000 (FABA) tokens = 1 vote
  • First investment horizon: 8 years
  • Project regions: Europe, USA, India
  • FABA LTD domicile: London, Great Britain
FABA Token Distribution

Faba project will launch a sale of (FABA) tokens. Faba will release 160M of (FABA) tokens. Total of 50% of (FABA) tokens will be available for ICO sale, which represents 80M. This amount of tokens for ICO sale will be divided into 2 phases: 1. Pre ICO and 2. ICO. 40 % of (FABA) tokens will be kept by Faba company, these tokens are vested and cannot be sold for period of 2 years. 10 % will be divided among the mentor team, these tokens are vested for period of 1 year. After the period of 1 year, 50 % of tokens can be sold.

During the pre ICO phase, there will be 0.5M tokens available for sale and 79.5M during the ICO. Unsold tokens will be shredded.

Funds Allocation


Given the current situation of the crypto-currency market, I think many worthy projects are experiencing some difficulties with the lack of necessary funding, as people have become more cautious about this topic and are afraid to make a mistake once again with the choice of this or that ICO. Therefore, the presence of such experienced teams, ready to make the most of their benefit, experience and knowledge to help start-up projects, I think very noble. Moreover, the founders of Faba LTD have a clear financial strategic plan, how and what they will do and how much time it will take. In addition, they identified the countries from which they will consider candidates for venture capital investment, namely the USA, India, the Czech Republic and the UK.

But again, let's not forget about the possible risks associated with the development and investment in absolutely any project. Therefore, before taking any action, I strongly recommend that you study this draft thoroughly and in great depth. To do this, at the end of this article you will find a list of all the necessary resources.

You can join or participate in the FABA sales crowd through the following links:

Authorship: bitcampaign
ETH Address: 0x2eFA5E262f957ecAF1a4Ec8bb12E8AE91F93aEca

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