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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

COINXES - Peer to Peer Cryptocurrency Exchange

Welcome my friends to the exciting new Project today and let's see their great idea:

Meet the new cryptographic money trade, a particular element of which is the capacity to trade digital currency for your nearby cash (Fiat): Coinxes. Coinxes does not store any assets on its stage, so brokers may not fear losing their assets, Coinxes does not charge any expenses for pulling back from the stage - this element fundamentally diminishes the exchange costs related with digital money exchanging. Trade Coinxes , offers helpful exchanging devices, for example, portable applications and gives all the fundamental licenses and authentications of congruity.

The stage is gone for tackling the principle issues that anticipate straightforward, without snags to tasks in the cryptographic money and blockchain

industry. Note that we need to determine the issue of geological boundaries, which remain a key point and torment for financial specialists. Numerous ICO ventures don't achieve their hard tops for reasons, for example, the nonattendance or unavailability of potential speculators, language hindrances and over the top expenses.

Everybody who dispatches ICO unquestionably needs to move their tokens or coins similarly as speculators need to purchase and contribute. Be that as it may, confinements, variances in digital money costs and absence of access to cryptographic money make buys troublesome for ICO financial specialists from spots like Africa, Asia or America.

ICO distributers would now be able to list their tokens or coins on the Coinxes P2P Exchange and pitch them to anybody from any piece of the world without limitations. ICO speculators will almost certainly purchase any tokens recorded on the Coinxes stage , financial specialists will likewise be allowed the chance to browse a wide scope of upheld installment techniques and they can even utilize their nearby money with no extra expenses.

It would be ideal if you attract your regard for the reality that Coinxes has interesting security includes and guarantees that the stage wipes out the likelihood of hacking and losing cash, which as we probably am aware is a sore point for a few trades, which is essential regarding the regular hacking. Coinxes stage incorporates extra highlights, for example, Google confirmation, two-factor and portable contact check. Likewise the Coinxes stage is without a doubt loaded with comfort. You know another such trade that has such helpful highlights as those offered by the Coinxes stage on which clients can not just exchange essentially a bigger number of coins than on different trades, yet in addition can do it in any language of their decision.

Essentially Coinxes is a trade of things to come. Coinxes wants to hold an ICO in which Coinxes Gold (CXG) offers to people in general. The assets got amid this occasion will be utilized to additionally build up the stage. In this way, to purchase Coinxes Gold (CXG) tokens in the forthcoming ICO is a decent choice and interest later on !

Information about Coinxes ICO

  • Token Name: Coinxes Gold
  • Token Symbol: CXG
  • Platform: ETH
  • Type: ERC20
  • Total Offer: 180,000,000 million
  • Token Price: $ 0.20
  • Amount to be sold: 100,000,000 million

Pre-sale - 24,480,000
13.6% Tokens

Value - $4,320,000

Private Sale - 15,570,000
8.65% Tokens

Value - $2,160,000

Public Sale - 76,950,000
42.75% Tokens

Value - $15,120,000

Features of the Coinxes Exchange

Our Vision
Our vision is to create a platform where crypto traders can buy and sell cryptocurrencies without any restriction based on location, language, mode of payment and not being charged multiple times for deposits, trading and withdrawals.

To help ICO publishers to achieve their hard-cap and to reach a wider audience.

For ICO investors to be able to invest on any project they want without restrictions due to location, mode of payment and language.

To allow blockchain projects to be able to list their tokens or coins in an exchange where their tokens or coins can be exchanged into fiat directly or any other cryptocurrency.

Here are some problems faced by Crypto Traders and ICO publishers and the solution Coinxes will provide.
  • Double charging:Trading platforms charge traders each time they deposit coins on their platform, you pay to deposit, pay trading fees and pay to withdraw.
  • Multi coin trade: Most Peer-to-Peer cryptocurrency Exchangers allow you to trade one or two crypto currencies.
  • Trust: Due to coin theft and loss of coin on big and small exchanges, crypto holders and traders do not know which Exchange to trust.
  • Language barrier: Most exchanges only trade with the English language and maybe two or three other languages.
  • STO/ICO publishers want to sell their token/coin, investors want to buy tokens but due to restrictions based on language, locations, fluctuation of crypto currency or lack of access to cryptocurrencies, it becomes difficult for ICO investors from places like Africa, Asia, and the Americas to invest in ICO
Coinxes Solutions
  1. Coinxes charge you only when you deposited coins on their platform, we do not charge you trading fees and withdrawal fees, so it is free to withdraw your coin from our platform without any charges.
  2. Coinxes allow you to trade up to three different cryptocurrencies at the moment, but after The ICO, Coinxes will allow users to trade over 50 crypto assets.
  3. Due to coin theft and loss of coins on big and small Exchanges, crypto holders and traders do not know the Exchange to trust. You do not need to worry about trust on coinxes because to trade on our platform, we do not hold your digital asset as long as you bring it to the platform, trade or withdraw it for free. Coinxes is a platform that link crypto assets from the seller to the buyer and we provide escrow service for the trade. Buyers pay directly to sellers, so we do not hold your assets. We do not store cryptocurrency on our platform. As a result, there is no fear of hacking.
  4. You can trade on coinxes, with your native language.
  5. ICO publishers can now list their tokens/coins directly on coinxes P2P Exchange, and sell their token to any one from any part of the world without restriction based on location, language and mode of payment. ICO investors can buy any ICO listed on Coinxes Platform by selecting from the form of payment listed, or using their local currency, without paying any extra charges or worry about how to get cryptocurrency to buy ICO.

For more information, please visit the link below:

Username Bitcointalk: bitcampaign
Wallet ETH: 0x2eFA5E262f957ecAF1a4Ec8bb12E8AE91F93aEca

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