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Thursday, April 11, 2019

FLETA - The Smart Contract Platform with a Numerous Stream of Income!

Hi friends If you are interested in joining the FLETA project, you should read reviews that can help you get information that can help you see their vision and mission. Here's the review:


FLETA goes beyond just building a new platform. It focuses on extensive technological innovation and diverse fields of application. FLETA’s blockchain network has been designed to actualize the real ‘decentralization’ and contribute to the advancement of the blockchain ecosystem, by enhancing the independence and scalability of DApps. As an unprecedented type of blockchain, FLETA allows more freedom and efficiency in developing and providing services.

With the goal of maximizing the potential of blockchain technology, FLETA came up with a breakthrough.

It all starts from our unique and original blockchain structure, which distributes subchains in a layered chain for each DApp. Through Block Redesign, verification speed becomes faster and data volume is reduced. In addition, block generation speed has been reduced, with more transactions processed per block.

FLETA provides the function to create a customized subchain for each DApp, where the transaction of its token and assets can be made. Run through its own network, each DApp can update independently based on its own governance, frontend and backend development environment.

Additionally, high-speed block transaction is made possible through parallel processing and instant confirmation of observer node. High GAS price and functional degradation of DApps have also been resolved.

Other innovative technologies such as a multichain structure, parallel sharding, and a new consensus model (PoF), contributed to resolving problems which the current blockchain ecosystem is facing.


FLETA project aims to provide a service platform like Google Android or Apple iOS in blockchain, supporting the efficient development and operation of DApps for constructing blockchain-based applications ecosystem, along with continuous technological innovations. This includes resolving the issues in developing and operating DApps through Ethereum or EOS, and providing a perfect decentralized economy through DApp independence and scalability. It starts from simply lightening the burden of GAS or STAKE and increasing transaction speed. Ultimately, the goal is to construct a sustainable ecosystem with the users by achieving, combining, and expanding the objectives of all projects.

Get to know this project in more detail by watching this video

FLETA technology

Independent Multi-Chain Structure

  • Less financial burden for both developers and users
  • Limitless number of DApps can be accommodated

PoF Proof-of-Formulation

  • Prompt creation and dissemination of blocks
  • Real-time confirmation through observer node, minimize unnecessary Fork

Block Redesign

  • Block size reduced by 43%
  • 1.8 times faster transaction processing speed
  • Data storage optimally reduced


  • 90% reduced validation size, compared to Merkle Tree
  • High quality transaction validation with less data reception
  • 5 times faster speed of transaction validation process

Parallel Sharding

  • Parallel action possible without double spending
  • Focused on TPS enhancement through increase in shard numbers and each shard’s TPS
  • Able to process 20,000 transactions per one second


DApps with token issued in the FLETA platform are operated in their own independent chain, not in the mainchain. That is, token economy is actualized through various consensus mode selected by each and every DApp developer. Each DApp’s token can be rewarded independently through a preferred consensus model (PoW, PoS or voting process is included, but not limited to these). Token economy is a driving force of FLETA and its DApps, providing motivation for various utility tokens to get on board with FLETA.

Hardcap: 30 million USD
Total Token Supply: 10B
  • Private & Public Sale: 2.5B (25%)
  • Reserve Fund: 4.2B (42%)
  • Marketing: 1.0B (10%)
  • Advisors & Partners: 1.0B (10%)
  • Founders & Teams: 1.3B (13%)

There is up to 42% for reserve fund. The reserve fund will be used to keep the value of ecosystems and holders, such as exchange issues, token exchanges with other DAPPs, and investments in DApp projects. This figure is really high. How could investors check the usage of half of the token (42%)? As it can be seen in the roadmap below, until 2020, there is still no plan to develop any DApp.

Project Roadmap

  • Paul Park: CEO
  • Henry Hong: COO
  • Peter J: CFO
  • Scott Park: CTA/Director
  • Jason Kim: Director
  • Gerrard Kim: Director
  • Bina Cho: Director
  • Sam Jeong: CTO
  • Soo Kim: Head of Branding

Sven Moeller: Head of Tokenization Services, Swisscom Blockchain
Unenburen Ulziiburen: Chairman & Co-founder of Bitmonex
David Lee: Founder & CEO of Decentre
Mickey Kim: Director of Asia Pacific Business, Google Hardware
Doo Hee Lee: Acclaimed Programer
Yoon Kim:
  • Senior Advisor at Corent Technology
  • Former CEO of Motorola Korea
Sam Soo Pyo: 
  • Senior Advisor at Kim & Chang
  • Former CEO of Oracle Korea
Dong-Yun Lee:
  • Advisor at Mirhenge
  • Former Director of IBM Asia Pacific
Kyung-Mo Lee: President of ITT
Hae Won Choi:
  • President of Linn Consulting
  • Former CEO of SAP Korea
Young Jin Son:
  • Former CEO of CISCO Korea
  • Former CEO of Microsoft Korea

For more information about FLETA, please visit the links below:

Username: bitcampaign
Wallet ETH: 0x2eFA5E262f957ecAF1a4Ec8bb12E8AE91F93aEca

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