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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

HARMONY - Open Consensus for 10 Billion People

Hello everyone, in this review I will invite you to see how the company Harmony works. following this explanation:

Open Consensus for 10 Billion People.

Harmony for One and All.
Our open infrastructure is a revolutionary high-throughput, low-latency, and low-fee consensus platform designed to power decentralized economies of the future.

About Harmony

Harmony is an open infrastructure for 10B people in the future. Harmony builds a high-performance consensus platform that will enable decentralized economies for everyone.

Introducing Harmony, the next generation based blockard sharding that can be fully scaled, proven safe, and energy efficient. Harmony overcomes the existing blockchain problems combining the best results of research and engineering practices in a system that is optimally adjusted.

In particular, Harmony made a breakthrough in the following aspects:

Fully Scalable: Harmony shards not only the network communication and transaction validation like Zilliqa, but also shards the blockchain state. This makes Harmony a fully scalable blockchain.

Secure Sharding: Harmony’s sharding process is provably secure thanks to the distributed randomness generation (DRG) process which is unpredictable, unbiaseable, verifiable and scalable. Harmony also reshards the network in a non-interruptive manner to prevent against slowly adaptive byzantine adversaries.

Efficient and Fast Consensus: Unlike other sharding-based blockchains which require PoW to select validators, Harmony is based on PoS and thus energy efficient. Consensus is reached with a linearly scalable BFT algorithm that’s 100 times faster than PBFT.

Adaptive-Thresholded PoS: The threshold of stakes required for a node to join the network is adjusted based on the volume of total staking in a way that malicious stakers cannot concentrate their power in a single shard. Moreover, the threshold is low enough so that small stakers can still participate in the network and earn rewards.

Scalable Networking Infrastructure: With RaptorQ fountain code, Harmony can propagate blocks quickly within shards or across network by using the Adaptive Information Dispersal Algorithm. Harmony also adopts Kademlia routing [37] to achieve cross-shard 
transactions that scale logarithmically with the number of shards.

Consistent Cross-Shard Transactions: Harmony supports cross-shard transactions with shards directly communicating with each other. An atomic locking mechanism is used to ensure the consistency of cross-shard transactions.

  • Open infrastructure for the world's data
  • Global-scale marketplace platform
  • Enabling decentralized and trustless economies
Our Technology
We believe scalability requires optimization across multiple layers. Our full-stack approach applies 10x innovations in networking, systems, and consensus algorithms.

Consensus Protocol

Our consensus protocol uses design principles such as sharding and pipelining to parallelize transaction processing. This allows us to effectively handle connection latency and enables our throughput to scale with the size of our network.


We are developing a lean, mission specific kernel to run our protocol with increased CPU performance and security. This will also allow a broader set of devices to participate in consensus for a more decentralized network.


We implement network engineering techniques for smarter message propagation and faster consensus formation. An understanding of network topology allows us to run a highly concurrent protocol.

Decentralization at Scale

Our goal is to deliver scalability and decentralization. The promise of blockchain is to enable decentralized coordination at scale but no platform has yet been able to achieve both. Harmony aims to change that.

Similar to the way Google vertically integrates its search infrastructure, we take a full stack approach to solve consensus at scale. We apply 10x innovations at every layer in consensus algorithms, systems and networking to maximize the performance of our network while maintaining decentralization. Our end-to-end integration allows us to iterate faster and make more aggressive optimizations than could be done with a modular approach.


The Harmony Team
We’re ambitiously idealistic
That’s why we left our jobs at big companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon to create a radically fair economy through blockchain.

The Harmony Advisors
  • Hakwan Lau: Full Professor at UCLA
  • Ka-yuet Liu: Associate Professor at UCLA Department of Sociology
  • Zi Wang: 10 years at Google, (early Chrome, Android), co-founded ACME Lab at Google
  • Bruce Huang: Entrepreneur in fintech & blockchain

To get more relevant details from the Harmony project or join social media and sales crowds, please follow some sources for the following references:

Bitcointalk Username: bitcampaign
Wallet ETH: 0x2eFA5E262f957ecAF1a4Ec8bb12E8AE91F93aEca

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