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Sunday, April 7, 2019

IZICHAIN - Platform hyperlink Public Hybrid Blockchain yang Menyediakan Custom Blockchain

Hello everyone, If you are interested in joining the IZIChain project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, as follows:


IZIChain is a platform that provides a hyperlink hybrid Pube3licchain blockchain customized solution for the financial market with social and real life applications. IZIChain allows users to interact with smart contracts, engage in the completion of contracts through AI and large data intelligence mechanisms, and operate a blockchain-powered financial application such as digitization. asset, digital asset trading, and supply and loan transactions. Both individuals and organizations can develop and provide independent financial applications on the IZIChain blockchain platform. IZIChain application: IZIChain completely transforms the activities of the financial market with the financial assets and real assets on the IZIChain blockchain platform.


Blockchain is the discovery of a very undeniable - the idea of ​​a person or group of people known by the pen name Satoshi Nakamoto. But since then, it has grown into something bigger, and the main question that people ask is: What is Blockchain?

By allowing the distribution of digital information but not being copied, blockchain technology creates the backbone of a new type of Internet. Originally designed for digital currency, Bitcoin, (Buy Bitcoin), the tech community now finds other potential uses for technology.

Bitcoin is called "digital gold" and for good reason. So far, the total value of the currency is nearly $ 112 billion. And blockchain can generate other types of numeric values. Just like the internet (or your car), you do not need to know how blockchain works to use it. However, having a basic knowledge of this new technology shows why it is considered revolutionary.

Blockchain behind bitcoin is a general ledger of every transaction that has occurred. It can not be damaged or change memories. Advocates say this makes bitcoin transactions safer and safer than the current system.

The bitcoin block is designed to be a hierarchical network. However, so some problems have arisen.

One big problem is that transaction time and bitcoin costs are increasing as the network becomes denser. This has in fact caused disagreement for some, who maintain the network on how technology must evolve in the future to overcome this problem.

Dealing with this issue, IZICHAIN ​​is present as the "Global Blockchain Platform for Capital Connections". IZICHAIN ​​realized that, from the very beginning, blockchain technology was full at great distances but, fortunately, these technologies could be filled using a variety of other technologies, such as the DAG structure Graph open circuit is smoothed at IOTA. By arranging multiple technologies together, our team has developed a unique new technology and structure because the previous structure did not meet the IZIChain ambition. We are currently deploying this new technology and would like to call it the 'Hologram' (HLC).

HLC technology brings a lot of value: The interface is easy to use, easy to use, no transactions, free speed, fairness, maximum security.


Digital Exchange
Intended for users with the need for mutual trading of digital asset, enabling fast and non-profited peer-to-peer transaction.

Real Exchange
Intended for users with the need for mutual trading of regulatory asset, regulatory asset and digitized asset, purchasing, advertising...

Digital Banking
Intended for users with the need for depositing or funding, based on peer-to-peer lending structure.

ICO Platform
Intended for users with the need for creating notification code for purposes such as membership card, share,...

Talk P2P
Empower user-to-user correspondence, addressing issues such as price negotiation, discussion, or collaboration.

Sales token

  • Notifier named IZIChain
  • IZI Token Notification Token
  • ERC20 Facility
  • Decimal 4
  • Total supply 1,250,000,000
  • Softcap 4,000 ETH
  • Hardcap 24.000 ETH
  • Contact 0xdf59c8ba19b4d1437d80836b45f1319d9a429eed

Price of Time ($)

Personal Sales Sep 01. 2018 - September 20, 2018 0.04
Round 1 of the ICO November 1, 2018 - November 15, 2018 0,05
Round 2 of the ICO November 2 16, 2018 - November 30, 2018 0.06
ICO Circle 3 December 01, 2018 - December 15, 2018 0.07
ICO Circle December 4, 2018 - December 30, 2018 0.08
ICO Round 5 December 31, 2019 - January 14, 2019 0.09

To find more relevant details please follow several sources for the following references:

Username Bitcointalk: bitcampaign
Wallet ETH: 0x2eFA5E262f957ecAF1a4Ec8bb12E8AE91F93aEca

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