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Monday, October 14, 2019

2Local - Stands For Global Sustainability and Prosperity

I am Bitcampaign, today I will discuss a crypto project called 2Local, below I will give some more detailed explanations of the 2Local project


In our world, we have immense natural resources provided to us by the nature, yet they are spread over the five continents unequally. Also in a country, there are are some place which are rich by natural resources and some places can be found with low concentration of resources. So we can see that although we have enormous resources they are now equally accessible for every human being in the world. This should be avoided at any cost and these should be accessible for everyone. So there should be s system which will eliminate inequality, injustice and malnutrition giving sustainable use of natural resources for everyone. Doing so will open new ways and new opportunities in the world market, every personal will have a place in a new world economy, one that is more local,less hectic and overall happier.

2Local’s Solution

The problem with the current economy is the sole financial purposes of the economy which has forgotten the core values like social, ecological and economic aspects. 2Local is not looking for a such Utopian economy,but an economy that takes into account all dimensions of its people:the social, ecological and economic realms. 2Local is deeply into this with the sole purpose of enabling the economy to everyone by making resources accessible for everyone in the world. According to scientific policy research reports published recently, they are looking for solutions with a local approach. Using rapid spreading advanced blockchain technology, 2Local will make local and sustainable products accessible,so that prosperity can be achieved for every human being in the planet. 2Local is looking at things differently, they will consume less and differently, not on the sole goal on just economic growth,but on sustainable development and prosperity.


2Local will make local and sustainable purchases accessible and work towards a society that acknowledges the cultural differences between people. One key way we increase access for all is requiring only Euro 2.50 to participate. This ensures more diverse involvement,inviting a range of people to engage with each other and their local societies


To move pressing World wide problems closer to a solution, consumers engage with local connected companies through a new cryptocurrency,the L2L-coin. This approach allows us to spark a movement centered on smaller scale,sustainable and locally produced and distributed goods and services.


Transforming power competition into cooperation and preservation into renewal

Achieving sustainability and prosperity demands a transformation process. We must move from competition and societal preservation to cooperation and renewal.

We start with a general characterization of successive situations that we envision in our society. These events are put on a row of colored circles, see figure below. In each occasion, we refer to the future of our 2local system, which we described above and below the circles.

To get a grip on monitoring and controling the transformation process in the figure below we see the events in our society as the result of the interplay between polarities, like Yin-Yang. We combine the opposite events to each other in nested circles. Starting with the outer circle (beige-turquoise) we supply our core values.

2local uses the following business strategies:

  • Use the market and network for knowledge and services.
  • Leverage a lean and agile way of working to achieve as much as possible with the least resources.

2Local Website and App

The website marketplace functionality will be available in the beginning of 2020. Users can search for companies affiliated with 2Local using filters,such as distance to a postal code and type of product or service. Affiliated companies receive free advertising and more potential customers.

  • Establish partnerships with companies and institutions that have a sustainability principle.

The L2L wallet is also available in the 2local Android/iOS app. All functions and information that are available on a web account are also available in the app, with the exception of the Website Marketplace function. 2local Android App will be available at the start of the IEO,the 2local iOS App will be available at a later date.

Transfer L2L tokens to each others 2local wallet




2Local aims to make World wide sustainability and prosperity accessible by eradicating World wide poverty and hunger and solving environmental and climate problems.They have the potential to make a prosperous and sustainable economy with their efforts and hard working. The demand will definitely increase with the achievements they are making everyday. I urge you to check out their website and telegram group for more information.

That's enough of my writing this time about the 2Local project. I hope this is useful for those of you who want to know about this project, for more detailed information about the 2Local project, you can visit the link below

Bounty Telegram:

Bitcointalk Profile Username: bitcampaign

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